Soliant Consulting
Product Type: Claris Smart Pack
Price: Free
Last updated: 10/19/2021
Language: English
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It can be challenging for staff to quickly and accurately track student attendance at high school events. For some activities, such as a proctored test, it’s essential to confirm that the person admitted is the registered student. And, in the case of an emergency, it’s important to be able to quickly identify which students are at an event. Many schools just use paper lists that are too time consuming to scan through, or generic online forms that don’t track all of the data needed.
Soliant Event Admittance streamlines the process to check attendees in or out using barcode scanning of event tickets or student IDs. When scanned, the app displays the registered student's photo onscreen for easy verification. This lets a school know exactly who is attending an event at any given time. In real time, easily track who has a ticket, who is at the event, who has left, and who didn’t show up.
The app is perfect for tracking attendance at events such as proms, concerts, sporting events, booster club rallies, and much more.
• Batch import student information and photos.
• Scan barcodes of a ticket or ID.
• Use multiple iPads for check in.
• Access student emergency contact information.
• Track event history.
• View event attendance by student.
• Analyze attendance and demographic reports.
To track event attendance, refresh the student list with data from your Student Information System. Then set up an event in the admin interface. Use your iPad to scan the barcode on event tickets or student IDs. Track information like age, grade, guest name, and emergency contact.
Quickly and easily generate reports on event statistics, current number of students checked in, and attendance summary. Use the data to get insight into the success of the event to help make financial decisions for future events.
Soliant Event Admittance was developed with a generous contribution by Glenbrook High School District 225 in Glenview, Illinois. The district uses the app for speedy event check in, so students spend more time having fun, rather than standing in line.
“Leveraging the flexibility of FileMaker Go, we’ve been able to efficiently monitor student attendance at school and special events like football games and even prom.”
- Dr. R.J. Gravel, Associate Superintendent, Glenbrook High School District 225
To get started, download the app, import ticket and student information from a CSV file, and you’re ready to track attendance. When hosted on either Claris FileMaker Cloud or Claris FileMaker Server, Soliant Event Admittance is designed to work on iPad or a desktop.
There’s even online help, accessible from the app menu, that explains the app’s functionality and shows you how to set up and use Soliant Event Admittance.
Soliant Event Admittance is a basic app built to meet the specific needs of one school district. But every school’s requirements are different. You can customize the app yourself, or our team can work with you to tailor it to meet your specific needs.
For example, we can integrate the app with your Student Information System to dynamically refresh student data, extend the event statistics to support other grade levels, or add custom reports that show a student's activities across all of their events.