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Flexible Value Lists



Product Type: Add-ons

Price: Free

Last updated: 6/9/2021

Language: English

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A free value lists replacement with superpowers

Sort the values of a value list by a third field, handle non-indexed values, show images and more!

This add-on makes it possible to add value lists with new great superpowers such as:
- Sort values by a third field
- Group values by a third field
- Handle unindexed data
- Easy to filter list using FileMaker search logic
- Works like a native value list with keyboard input
- Change design quickly in one place
- Easy to change settings with variables in layout
- Show images in the list
- Show limited value list based on field data
- Show limited value list based on hardcoded value
- Hide ID field and only show list value
- WebDirect support
- Move to next field or not
- Show above field if close to the bottom of the screen
- Support for fields in portals
- Present value list above non field objects such as buttons
- Just as quick as native value list to implement

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