Product Type: Apps
Price: Free
Last updated: 8/29/2016
Language: English
Product websiteFiddle is a FileMaker version of JSFiddle…a popular playground for front-end web developers and tool for testing JavaScript. Fiddle makes experimenting with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript within FileMaker incredibly easy. Simply create a new record, enter some code, commit the record and examine the results in a web viewer as well as the source in a calculation field. It conveniently handles adding of external CSS and JavaScript libraries for you like Leaflet or JQuery, and allows you to open the result in a web browser for debugging.
Fiddle is provide free and completely unlocked. It comes with several useful and helpful example HTML/JavaScript integrations including:
Getting Started with HTML
Getting Started with Interactive Webviewers (including new FileMaker 19 Scripting with JavaScript in web viewer features)
Leaflet Map and QuickStart
Leaflet Map with Vector SVG Icons
HTML Drag and Drop File Upload
Progress Spinner CSS Animation
Google Charts Pie Graph
High Charts Pie Graph
Color Picker
Convert XML to JSON
Moving Letters - Wrap in SPAN