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Downtime Forms Repository

LeaderFulcrum LLC


Product Type: Apps

Price: approximately $100/BCA/year

Last updated: 11/1/2023

Language: English

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Prepare for a long EMR outage. Simple, effective, low cost.

Search and print forms & patient labels with bar codes. Works with complete network outage.

A inexpensive way to be prepared for a long duration EMR (Electronic Medical Records) outage. Avoid out of date forms, missing forms, warehousing forms. Manage all your forms in one place in the cloud. Periodically push a single file, that encapsulates all program logic and form updates, to all of your designated downtime PCs. In an EMR outage, this application runs free-standing (no network required) with just power and a locally attached printer (Epic customers use their current BCA computers setup today). A bulk load of forms is possible and makes implementation quick and easy. Of course you can also add and update forms within the application one by one. Cloud hosting is included. Setup of your label sheet layout, setup of your patient information overlay and setup of bar code generation is done at implementation time. Filemaker licenses are bundled with the solution. Simple to administer. Intuitive for end users - no training required. This solution should be part of your Business Continuity / Emergency Preparedness planning. Bar coded identifier information will make post-outage recovery faster and less expensive. This solution is low cost, 100% subscription based and leverages your existing infrastructure.

What's New

This solution is live today, protecting a 500 bed academic medical center with a level one trauma center and ambulatory sites with a total of 150 BCAs (designated downtime computers). This site bulk loaded over 300 different forms in 15 minutes.

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