Sandeza S.r.l
Product Type: Apps
Price: Starting at $ 2.000
Last updated: 5/6/2019
Language: English
Product websitezService is an integrated and flexible system, which enables the interconnection of each business department, to enable flexible business workflows and avoid the loss of important information.
The CRM module includes various tools; starting from the clients/suppliers/operators records, which include information like:
- sales agenda
Each client record shows all the related payment due dates, quotations and operations.
- contacts and sales profiling
zService allows the user to extract data using custom criteria and to create and organize specific lists of contacts, which can then be used for specific business uses. Such data extractions can be used for statistical elaborations or to produce targeted communication campaigns.
- document management
zServices allows its users to upload any type of document to any record in the system, to make them organized and searchable also thanks to the application of custom tags.
zService can be used to calculate transfer costs, to upload locations’ and banks’ information, etc.. so that each record can show the most complete overview about that specific customer/supplier/operator.
The system can generate and send various quotation types; users can then see the total amounts of all quotations with detail of each single item sold.
Items can be classified and grouped in families and subfamilies; the item detail record stores all the information about each specific item’s sales and purchases, techinical descriptions, discounts, images, etc..
zService allows agents and salesmen to operate in mobility on iPhones and iPads, performing actions like:
- consult any record in the system
- consult stock levels
- create sale orders and sign live documents via email
Any of these operations can be even performed offline, without an internet connection, and zService then syncs all data as soon as the operator’s device regains connectivity