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Mandelbrot SMS

Mandelbrot LLC


Product Type: Apps

Price: $295 per server

Last updated: 11/1/2019

Language: English

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Real Time Inbound and Outbound Text Messaging for FileMaker

Connect Twilio Programmable SMS to your FileMaker solution in a few minutes without writing new code

Mandelbrot SMS is a FileMaker application that harnesses the power of Twilio’s programmable SMS. Without any experience using Twilio, Mandelbrot SMS allows you to buy and provision a new or existing Twilio phone number and start sending and receiving text messages from FileMaker in minutes. Mandelbrot SMS also comes completely unlocked so you can begin integrating it with your existing FileMaker solution immediately.

A few of the most common use cases and business problems solved by Mandelbrot SMS are:

-SMS marketing campaigns
-Confirming and rescheduling appointments, deliveries, dates, times and phone numbers, etc
-Separating personal and business cell phone numbers (privacy)
-Maintaining continuity with customers by centralizing message records
-Giving customers a single phone number to send and receive text messages to/from your business
-Automatically attaching a text conversation to a specific record in an existing database
-Controlling your solution without logging in via inbound text message
-Standalone SMS messaging
-Two factor authentication
-Cell number verification
-Lowering costs by eliminating extra phone lines

What Features Come Standard with Mandelbrot SMS?
-Sends, receives and displays new text messages in real time without refresh buttons or scheduled scripts
-Purchase, re-provision or release Twilio phone numbers in real time from inside the app (no Twilio experience required)
-All messages are hosted on your server in a FileMaker database for easy integration with your custom apps
-Ships completely unlocked so you can start integrating your custom apps immediately
-Automatically checks if a phone number is a cell phone before texting it the first time
-Clean, familiar layouts that can be learned by anyone in minutes

Can I Just Write My Own SMS Connector? Of course you can! Here’s what you’ll need:

-Two to six weeks to learn, build, provision, test and debug your app and associated middleware
-Experience working with an SMS gateway (we use Twilio)
-Real professional level coding skills (node.js, C#, Python, etc) to write the middleware needed (you will need something to refactor and send your messages from Twilio to FileMaker)
-A server outside of FileMaker for your middleware to live and remain available 24/7
-A few tricks to make FileMaker refresh what is in your portals or on your listview layouts without navigating away from them, which is not natively supported

Even if you’re a skilled FileMaker developer and you’ve got a bunch of free time, it’s probably just a whole lot cheaper and faster to just buy it from us instead of writing it yourself.

System Requirements
-Hosting: A cloud hosted server with a fully qualified domain name and SSL running FileMaker Server 17+ or FileMaker Cloud for AWS 1.17+
-Client: FileMaker Pro 16+, FileMaker Go 16+ or FileMaker WebDirect
-Free Twilio Account

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